You want that number to go up whenever possible. Obviously Damage is the most important and some modifications can drastically reduce the amount of damage a weapon does. This is also where you add a pointy bit for stabbing people.Ĭycle through the different mods and keep an eye on how the stats change. This is also for silencers for those that like to sneak.
On the right is indication of any specific Perks or skill requirement. Look at the screen above and you'll see weapon stats on the left, a description of the mod and the changes it makes to your weapon in the middle, as well as the junk required to make the modification. Now highlight a Mod Slot to see your Mod options for that slot.
Highlight a weapon in the Inventory and you'll see all the Mod Slots. Press X to Craft when you're standing in front of a Weapons Workbench. You'll find them in settlements such as Sanctuary as well as weapons stores in cities and in other locations like military bases. But you can also go a lot further, modding the range, increasing critical strikes, changing the type of damage, fitting a nasty blade on the front and even renaming it. You can increase a gun's magazine size and up its damage easily enough if that's all you need. How to build the most lethal weapons in Fallout 4 and choose the right Perks for gun nuts.įallout 4's weapon crafting is as complicated as you want it to be.